Sunday, May 23, 2010

True Healing

True healing is a state of mind, it occurs when our inner self connects in someway to the outer aspect of ourselves. Something sort of clicks and we reconnect in a wholistic sense, within our body, our mind and in some sense our inner spirit. Real change occurs that is both deep and meaningful yet it is not always an earth shattering or explosive kind of experiance. More often than not it is a subtle transformation, yet in no way is this any less important to our growth as an individual. In its own way it can be even more significant in the long term as it brings us a glimpse of our true nature.

Learning to let go can seem to be a difficult thing to do. However when we are focusing so much of our energy on grasping hold of our problems, we will soon come to realise that it is the holding on that is the difficult task. Letting go is the easy part when we give ourselves permission to be free, to be happy. Letting go of all that guilt and worry and being the person you were born to be, happy and free. A fresh start, to begin showing a little kindness to yourself and by doing so becoming a beacon of light to others.