Saturday, December 18, 2010

Spiritual Masters

I sometimes ponder on the great spiritual masters of the past, these great minds that literally changed the way we look at the world around us. Profound spiritual teachers like Steiner, Gurdjeff, Levi and Blavatsky, I have at times wondered who living in this day and age can be looked at in that same light? Who in this day and age could make anywhere near the same impact that these greats had once made? Who living today could write a masterpiece with the same transcendent quality of the "Secret Doctrine" or even "Beelzebub's tales to his Grandson"?

Certainly there are a handful of great esoteric writers living today that understand much of the higher aspects of the spiritual path; people like the enigmatic; David Fenton Hall, Nick Farell, Pat Zalewski and Mark Stavish. But will we ever see another master the caliber of a Rudolf Steiner or a Gurdjeff in our lifetime? Sadly it is quite possible that days of the great spiritual masters are no more and its up to us mere mortals to make do with what we have. Because no matter how enlightened our guide is; the path we must travel is still our own to take.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Love and Light

We are all spiritual beings, we are all manifestations of love and light. Every single atom in our body was formed in an exploding star, this is also referred to as a Super Nova. This fertile material formed our planet billions of years ago and our body is made up of that same molecular substance. We are literally children of the Cosmos. When we truly come to appreciate the miracle of our creation, how can there be any room in our hearts for hate, for self depreciation? Once we let go the negativity in our hearts, once we are empty of the past and future and are truly present in the now, it is then that we experience the deep ocean of love within. This experience is so powerful that we realise that this profound limitless love must be our true nature, and all else is just an illusion. Every one of us are divine in origin, the energy that makes up our consciousness cannot be destroyed, it will exist in one form or another for all eternity. In this sense we are immortal beings because the energy that makes up who are may change form, but will always truly exist.

There is much debate in the scientific world as to whether the universe or the energy that manifested the universe has consciousness or whether we all came into being through some random cosmic accident. If this universal consciousness does exist, then we as part of the universe we must be connected to this consciousness in some way. The mystics and masters from all the worlds spiritual and religious traditions may call this energy by different names, such as God, Allah or Brahma. But when asked the true nature of this energy the answer given is always the same..... Divine Love. If we truly feel connected to this Divine Love, this universal energy, if we are children of the divine how can we still feel limited? We have unlimited potential to accomplish what we wish to in life. We have an unlimited capacity to express our love and inner light to those around us. The first step is to be truly present in each moment and the second is to follow your heart.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Self Awareness.

You know that you are unique in this world, there is no one on the entire planet that is exactly like you. You are one of a kind, an intricate part of the web of life. A majestic soul manifesting your intent upon the rich tapestry that gives shape and substance to the universe itself. There is no separation between you and the universe, you and the entire cosmos are one. It is merely our limiting beliefs that make us feel separate, alone. These beliefs were conditioned into our consciousness from childhood. They are not who we really are! These negative beliefs can actually bend time and space to match our state of consciousness, causing us to attract people and events into our life that match our fears and insecurities.

The circus elephant is conditioned from youth by means of a chain and peg in the ground, the baby struggles against it chains and finding them impossible to break, gives up. As the elephant matures it becomes a large and mighty creature and although it gains great strength it is still unable to break the tiny chains that bind it. We are just like this elephant, blind to our true reality, blind to our true potential. It is important to realize that when we are feeling down we are not seeing our true reality. We are wearing a mask of sorts, an actor in a play of our own creation. When we truly learn to relax, when we become truly mindful we begin to take off the mask and play the role that we are meant to play.
Our true self is compassionate and kind to both ourselves and others. This core part of our being is non judgemental and it really feels from deep within that we are all one in spirit, that we are all connected with one another energeticly.
We begin to discover that the true nature of the universe is love and clear light, and we in turn are part of this cosmic love this radient light. That is what we truly are, when we take off the mask and bask in the diamond like nature of our own inner light.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Change and Acceptance

It can often be difficult to accept that things change. We can feel like our heart is like a fine glass ball, we clutch it tightly, anxiously. We are terrified to move in any direction in case it were to drop and shatter into a million tiny piece's. This is an illusion, in truth our heart is much more like a rubber ball, it will always bounce back no matter how many times we drop it. It is simply the perception that shatters our ego as it were.
The more relaxed we are the more clearly we see reality and the less we are adversly affected by change. Change is always happening just like the waves breaking on a beach. Sometimes the waves are small, other times they are literary massive. But when observed from a distance the waves are a beautful and majestic sight. When observed from a distance our problems too have less impact and can be seen in a different light. Once we realize that everything in this universe is cyclic, always changing then we can begin to embrace change without judgment, without fear. We develop that stillness within while surfing the waves of life.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

True Healing

True healing is a state of mind, it occurs when our inner self connects in someway to the outer aspect of ourselves. Something sort of clicks and we reconnect in a wholistic sense, within our body, our mind and in some sense our inner spirit. Real change occurs that is both deep and meaningful yet it is not always an earth shattering or explosive kind of experiance. More often than not it is a subtle transformation, yet in no way is this any less important to our growth as an individual. In its own way it can be even more significant in the long term as it brings us a glimpse of our true nature.

Learning to let go can seem to be a difficult thing to do. However when we are focusing so much of our energy on grasping hold of our problems, we will soon come to realise that it is the holding on that is the difficult task. Letting go is the easy part when we give ourselves permission to be free, to be happy. Letting go of all that guilt and worry and being the person you were born to be, happy and free. A fresh start, to begin showing a little kindness to yourself and by doing so becoming a beacon of light to others.