Friday, June 4, 2010

Change and Acceptance

It can often be difficult to accept that things change. We can feel like our heart is like a fine glass ball, we clutch it tightly, anxiously. We are terrified to move in any direction in case it were to drop and shatter into a million tiny piece's. This is an illusion, in truth our heart is much more like a rubber ball, it will always bounce back no matter how many times we drop it. It is simply the perception that shatters our ego as it were.
The more relaxed we are the more clearly we see reality and the less we are adversly affected by change. Change is always happening just like the waves breaking on a beach. Sometimes the waves are small, other times they are literary massive. But when observed from a distance the waves are a beautful and majestic sight. When observed from a distance our problems too have less impact and can be seen in a different light. Once we realize that everything in this universe is cyclic, always changing then we can begin to embrace change without judgment, without fear. We develop that stillness within while surfing the waves of life.

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